• 25Jul

    Chinese Social Media: A Must for China Digital Marketing


    Wechat and Weibo currently dominate Chinese social media landscape. In the last year or so, Wechat has surpassed Weibo in size and popularity, although, with its enormous user base, Weibo still remains a formidable force in the social media. While there are significant differences between the platforms, both Wechat and Weibo offer attractive opportunities for China’s marketing.

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  • 11Jul

    Weibo Marketing and WeChat Marketing are Adding Value for Brands


    Sina Weibo is one of the most popular social media channels in China, with more than 130,000 brands active (at the end of Feburary, 2012) such as Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Durex and LVMH. These companies are motivated to adopt Weibo marketing presence given it reportedly has over 500 million users. With such significant numbers of Chinese users, this platform becomes the ultimate medium for introducing new products to their followers and additionally offering followers VIP programs, incentives and discounts.

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